JILIPARK is a famous playground in the betting world with what it has been showing. The house continuously updates to bring players diverse and attractive forms of entertainment. Among them, soccer betting receives the participation of the largest number of members. Before coming to this subject, you need to learn about how to calculate soccer betting. So in today’s article, JILIPARK Will share more specifically with readers.
Commonly used odds when participating in soccer betting at JILIPARK

Every bookmaker offers players a variety of betting odds and JILIPARK is no exception. Therefore, when participating, players can choose and participate at will. Below is information about the 3 types of bets that are being applied most often for your reference:
- Asian handicap is also known as handicapped handicap or handicap handicap. That means participating teams will have a top and bottom door, there is no tie. These odds are very diverse: 0-0; ¼; ½, 2.25; 1, 25,…
- Over/under bets or over/under bets with the English name at bookmakers are Over/Under bets. They are often used in a form where Over is the upper bet and Under is the lower bet.
- European odds or 1×2 odds are commonly applied in many online playgrounds. In which 1 is a bet on the home team to win, 2 is a bet on the away team to win and X is only when betting on two teams to draw.
Some terms used in soccer betting

Not only learn about how to calculate soccer betting money before participating, but players need to grasp the terminology. That makes it easier for you to place bets. That is:
- Handicap/odds: means the betting odds offered by the bookmaker for any match.
- Handicap/Asian Handicap: is the Asian handicap ratio.
- Odds analysis: means the player studies the match to find the best bet.
- Lose full: means the player has lost all or lost enough money.
- Win Hafl: is when you play for half the money.
- Shaking bet = running: you bet while the match is taking place.
- By ball, by ball, 1v1: is when the bet on 2 teams is equal.
Instructions on how to calculate soccer betting money at JILIPARK

Understanding how to calculate soccer betting money will help players feel much more confident. Especially so that you will not be led by the nose, below is the formula being applied at JILIPARK.
How to calculate money in case of losing a soccer bet
If the player loses half of the initial bet (½ of the bet), it is calculated with the following formula:
The amount the player loses = ½ the bet x the house edge.
If the player loses the entire match, it will be calculated according to the following formula:
Losing bet amount = Original bet x Odds
So it can be seen that this calculation formula is being applied very clearly and simply. So even newbies can quickly get used to and adapt.
How to calculate soccer betting money in case of winning
If a player wins when playing soccer betting, the following formula will be applied:
The amount the player receives = Odds x Bet amount
If the lucky player wins half, the calculation formula will be as follows:
Winning amount = (Bet odds + 1)/ 2 + bet amount
However, when participating, players should look at the odds shown on the odds table to calculate accurately. Each house will offer a different level, but essentially there is no difference.
Good experience when participating in betting on soccer betting
If you want to win when betting, don’t forget to learn from the following experiences:
Grasp the time of football betting as soon as the bet is placed
When the dealer has just given betting information, the player should immediately seize the opportunity. Thereby tracking information to know when the odds change to bet more accurately. Do not listen to crowd psychology when betting on football. That is a very wrong thinking of a large number of players today.
Do not bet on too many matches on the same day.
Many players are too greedy and place many bets on the same day and get bad results. If you don’t know how to arrange your time properly, you will bet based on your emotions. That will more or less hurt the final chance of victory.
How to calculate money for soccer sports betting has just been learned and shared specifically by JILIPARK through the above article. Accordingly, players will follow and grasp the specific formula to apply for themselves. Especially after winning at JILIPARK, the bonus amount will immediately be added to your account.